Our Team

Troy McDonald

Sales Associate

Troy McDonald has twenty-seven years hands-on experience in the open pit mining industry in south Florida and has earned expert miner status with the local and state government agencies. Mr. McDonald has extensive experience in all aspects of mining including, but not limited to digging, crushing and shipping operations, sales, maintenance, permitting, safety and reclamation. He effectively managed Earthsource Inc., a large-scale limestone mine located in Charlotte County, for twenty years. He also independently owned and operated a limestone mine from 2011-2016 on Hall’s Ranch and currently owns and operates a successful excavation company, T&M Mining, LLC.

During his time managing Earthsource on the 90,000+ acre Babcock Ranch, Mr. McDonald learned many aspects of ranch management and has experience managing hunting leases, expertly guiding deer, turkey and hog hunts and removing nuisance wildlife.

Mr. McDonald has provided independent consulting services to the mining industry for the last fifteen years with clients throughout the State of Florida. He is an active member and past board member of the Florida Limerock Aggregate Institute (FLAI). He works with the other members and the board to protect the limestone mining industry’s interests and to expand the market.

Mr. McDonald’s hands-on experience and extensive personal contacts in the mining industry allows him to provide his clients with unique industry insights producing a favorable track record.

Arnie Sarlo


Brett Dubois of Tarpon Blue Real Estate Services

Brett DuBois

Co-Managing Broker/Principal

Rowdy Sullivan

Sales Associate

David Yates of Tarpon Blue Real Estate Services

David Yates

Sales Associate

Andrea Smith of Tarpon Blue Real Estate

Andrea Smith

Co-Managing Broker

Ladd Bass

Sales Associate

Dustyn Whitmire

Sales Associate

Fred Fanizzi

Sales Associate

Ken Smith


Teresa Whitmire

Sales Associate

Patrick Utter

Broker Associate

Mark Milligan


Marshall Hilton


Alex Clark
